Condensate Polishing is normally applied to the treatment of condensed steam from turbines operating inthe power industry. It is a specialty application where ion exchange resins are used for removal ofcorrosion transport products as well as removal of trace ionic impurities. This requires the use of resinsthat have excellent filtration characteristics as well as ion exchange capacity, and that can withstand thehigh temperatures and flow rates encountered in condensate systems.凝结水精处理树脂常用于发电厂蒸汽涡轮机产生的凝结水处理。Polishing resins must also have low levels of both organic and ionic impurities such that they do not leachany objectionable contaminants into the treated water.精处理树脂不得将有机物和杂质离子带入待处理的凝结水中,其有机物和杂质离子含量非常低。GSCoffers a varietyof coarse grade and uniform particle size resins specifically for condensatepolishing, including highly crosslinked resins with excellent thermal stability. These resins are available ina variety of ionic forms such as ammonia and amine forms for cationresin and hydroxide form for anionresin, suitable for immediate use without preconditioning or regeneration.绿色星提供各种不同粒度的凝结水精处理树脂。也可以提供不同离子形态的树脂供客户直接使用,无需预处理和再生。
CP982HCP991HCP992Huniform particle size high capacity highly regenerated, low sodium hydrogen formcation resin.均粒凝结水精处理树脂high crosslinked highly regenerated, low sodium hydrogen form cation resin.凝结水精处理抗氧化性树脂uniform particle size highly regenerated, low sodium hydrogen form cation resin.均粒凝结水精处理抗氧化性树脂CP841OH,CP871OHCPM91HHydroxide form porous anion resin with low chloride residual and lowest possibleTOC.低Cl-残留,超低TOC凝结水精处理树脂High crosslinked highly regenerated, low sodium hydrogen form cation resin.凝结水精处理高抗氧化性树脂CPM92HUniform particle size high crosslinked highly regenerated, low sodium hydrogen formcation resin.均粒凝结水精处理高抗氧化性树脂CP842OH,CP872OHCPM81OHHydroxide form uniform particle size anion resin with low chloride residual and lowestpossible TOC.低Cl-残留,超低TOC均粒凝结水精处理树脂Hydroxide form high crosslinked anion resin with low chloride residual and lowestpossible TOC.低Cl-残留,超低TOC凝结水精处理树脂CPM82OHCPM87Hydroxide form uniform particle size high crosslinked anion resin with low chlorideresidual and lowest possible TOC.低Cl-残留,超低TOC均粒凝结水精处理树脂Highest capacity lowest TOC mixed bed intended for final polishing in secondaryloops.超低TOC,高交换容量凝结水二次精处理混床树脂CPM87UCPM84Highest capacity lowest TOC uniform particle size mixed bed intended for finalpolishing in secondary loops.超低TOC,高交换容量凝结水二次精处理均粒混床树脂High capacity low TOC mixed bed intended for use in primary loops that arefrequently regenerated.超低TOC凝结水初次精处理混床树脂,可再生。CPM84UHigh capacity low TOC uniform particle size mixed bed intended for use in primaryloops that are frequently regenerated.超低TOC凝结水初次精处理均粒混床树脂,可再生。BIPCSpecial inert polymer beads intended for tri bed systems as a buffer between cationand anion resin layers during regeneration.三层床中使用的惰性树脂