We have limited availability matches #clippings full grain nappa #calfskin, top quality black leather quality and an extraordinary softness, average size 20x20 with total absence of defects, from known brands cutting center of Italian fashion.
No clippings ultra heavy leather furniture, leather scraps no calves printed dollar.. no shoddy import skins clippings .. only calfskin superb quality flower!
MATCHES QUANTITY 3/400 Kg for color
THICKNESS: 1/1.3 variable
COLOR: Black, Bleu, Brown, etc.
PRICE: 3,00 EURO/KG. Color EXW
PRICE: 4,00 EURO/KG. Black EXW
In stock for immediate delivery
I would just say no, the price is NOT negotiable.
The seller, or exporter, makes the goods available to the buyer, or importer at the seller's premises.
The buyer is responsible for all transportation costs, duties, and insurance, and accepts risk of loss of goods immediately after the goods are purchased and placed outside the factory door.
PAYMENT: Seller accepts payment by all mayor Credit/Debit Cards check or money order.If paying by check or money order, I will need confirmation by My bank that funds have cleared before the press will be released for shipping.